Healing and recovery from trauma is a key investment in women and Logan’s future.
Logan currently has the highest rates of DV in QLD per capita. As diverse as we are as a community, domestic violence is the common experience of women and children across all demographics. How can we, as a community, drive the changes that we need to build an eco-system of healing and recovery in such a critically under resourced sector.
Jane has made many impactful contributions to supporting survivors and promoting violence prevention efforts in the community. At the 2024 conference she educates us about:
- How our communities are really impacted by long term trauma,
- Recovery based understanding from lived experience,
- Why choice matters in healing and recovery from trauma, and
- How the Logan Business Community can get behind the healing movement.
Jane is a highly esteemed advocate and speaker in the field of domestic family violence recovery and prevention. Some of Jane’s noteable engagements include:
- Presenting at the inauguaral Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Healing and Recovery Conference in Wollongong NSW, 2023.
- A keynote speaker at The Rotary Club of Logan Mayoral Dinner 2023, speaking on the impacts of Logan having the highest rates of domestic violence in Queensland, and the critical importance of healing and recovery and a key influence on violence prevention.
- Recipient of the Paul Harris Fellowship, Rotary International recognition for humanitarian work, 2023.
- Being a regular curriculum guest speaker on the Diploma of Counselling program at TAFE Qld, speaking to students from the lived experience perspective.
- Recieving several Logan City Council grants to offer free places in a 10 week workshop series, to women who have experienced abusive relationships. In partnership with Kingston East Neighbourhood Group.
On a more personal note, Jane enjoys researching new science, natural therapies, holistic healing methodologies and the expansion of consciousness. She co-ordinates an organic food buyers group partnered within a local organic farm network. She is an MC, committee member and event organiser for the Logan City Women in Business monthly networking group.
Jane’s goal is to see a co-ordinated, multi-layered trauma healing and recovery service available in Logan that offers unlimited access and wide ranging healing and wellness options.
Contact Jane